I genuinely look forward to your posts every week! I appreciate how transparent and honest you are no matter how much backlash and doubt you might get. I’ve been feed my now 13 month old puppy organic whole foods for most of her life. I remember the vet complementing her coat, her weight, etc. but once I told them I home make her food, they went into panic mode suggesting that I need to get it “balanced” by a vet and that I would be better off with purina’s kibble! Through this journey this last year with my pup, I’ve realized just how much dogs are like us. They thrive on high quality, real food like we do! I wish more people cared and advocated for the wellness of their animals the way we do for people.

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Hey Diandra, thank you so much for your message and support. We appreciate you! You're awesome for making your pup's food. Yes they really do thrive on high quality food, just like we do. :)

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